Have you ever wondered how great regeneration abilities does your own body have? Why don't we use the great, natural power to keep fine, have a younger looking skin for longer? Now it is possible! Using PRP by Regen ACR or MyCells. What is PRP ? PRP contains cells and growth factors which stimulate dermis to regenerate. As a result skin regains vitality. It is smoother, more elastic and significantly younger. PRPs are 100% biocompatible product and revitalisation of the skin is possible through ACR-Autologus Cellullar Rejuvenation-regenration of dermis cells through own growth factors and stem cells activity. Regen ACR-contain cells and growth factors extracted from your own blood, whihc will help you to create your own "youth elixir". Regen ACR technology is based on Platelet Rich Plasma has been successfully used in reconstructive surgery, orhtopaedics and stomatology for over 10years. It is escpecially useful in wound healing, is a source osseous tissue reco...
Where Medicine, Health and Beauty Meets - My observations and journey of discovery on Medical Aesthetic procedures since 2001. Finding non surgical solutions to external appearance and internal wellness concerns is my mission. Contact me at drsutina@gmail.com or WA 012-3282840