Attended the first Gender Aestetics Congress and Sexual AesthetIcs Meeting that went on at the Marina Bay Sands,Singapore this week. The topics discussed were sometimes within the realm of gender aesthetics but what was more exciting was the oppurtinity to listen to talks given by some big names in the Medical Arsthetics fraternity. I was able to meet big names like Fournier and Ridaelli and chat with them throughout lunch and tea. Being in Singapore, most o the boothes were manned by reps from Singapore and Malaysia so mot of them I knew and vice versa. Good catching up with other Drs while chatting n joking with the Reps in a non serious state as well as looking at what's new in the local market.
Books, books, books! How I am with books is like a love always I spent pretty much of my time at the Research Books boothe. They have solo many books related to tis field a
Nd Eu Chong is so knowledgeable about. Thanks to Visa, I carry with me 4 more newbooks for facial Aging, face analysis, adipose tissue and lepton for weight loss. Will need to find time to read them.
Had a nice dinner at Marmalade pantry in Ion Mall with the people fromSolta the other nite. ivy, Derris and Darren were reps of solta who started servicing us when Solta took over alldistributorship of their products which includes Thermage , fr axel and Liposonix. Thermage and Fraxel is already available in our centre at En-hanze clinic. We are now waiting for our Liposonix to arrive soon! (Watch my blog on write re Liposonix ).
Books, books, books! How I am with books is like a love always I spent pretty much of my time at the Research Books boothe. They have solo many books related to tis field a
Nd Eu Chong is so knowledgeable about. Thanks to Visa, I carry with me 4 more newbooks for facial Aging, face analysis, adipose tissue and lepton for weight loss. Will need to find time to read them.
Had a nice dinner at Marmalade pantry in Ion Mall with the people fromSolta the other nite. ivy, Derris and Darren were reps of solta who started servicing us when Solta took over alldistributorship of their products which includes Thermage , fr axel and Liposonix. Thermage and Fraxel is already available in our centre at En-hanze clinic. We are now waiting for our Liposonix to arrive soon! (Watch my blog on write re Liposonix ).