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Showing posts from April, 2016

ZO Skin Health Solutions

Solutions that create Healthy Skin Dr.Zein Obagi have defined the concept of skin health over the past 3 decades when he developed the Obagi Nuderm system and now the ZO Skincare Solutions, the next generation off therapeutic skincare solutions. Under guidance of the renowned DrZein Obagi, a wide spectrum of therapeutic  treatment protocols for everyone regardless of their skin condition, age, gender and ethnicity. Based not he latest advances in skin therapy technologies and using biotechnology complexes, plant stem cell components, and multi-therapy delivery systems, these products n programs are optimized for each person's specific needs. The Obagi Definition to Healthy Skin Smooth Strong Firm Even-toned Hydrated Disease-free

Vaginal laxity & Sexual enhancement with Viveve

Vaginal laxity. Just like our skin, the vaginal tissue is made up of an inner support network of collagen fibers. During vaginal delivery Andover time, thee tissues can become stressed, stretched, and weakened. This can create a feeling of looseness, especially within the vaginal opening. In a survey conducted of over 4000 women who had vaginal deli vies, nearly half reported concern with vaginal loosens, or laxity. These women also notice they feel less sensation and sexual satisfaction with intrcourse. Viveve is a sensational solution for a common sexual concern. I had the opportunity to try it out the other day and due to its ease of conducting the procedure, patient comfort and unique technology requiring only 1 treatment session for affect. So what is Viveve treatment? It is not a cosmetic procedure. It is not about how you look, but rather how you feel. It is a painless,  non-surgical , medical treatment perfoermed in our medical clinic that can increase the amount of plesurable