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Showing posts from January, 2022

Male Hormones: Out of Balance?

  When male hormones are out-of-whack A few nights ago, my neighbor Justin showed my husband and I his latest purchase: a beautiful sporty Lexus . We ā€œoohedā€ and ā€œaahedā€ in equal measures as we circled the car. ā€œYouā€™ll certainly turn heads in this,ā€ I  told him. ā€œYeah,ā€ he sighed. ā€œItā€™s just that everyone thinks Iā€™m having a midlife crisis...ā€ Although we all laughed, I could tell that Justin was a little upset at this. And I can totally understand that. After all, when we think about the female ā€˜mid-lifeā€™, it conjures up images of menopause, hot flushes, night sweats and often a very difficult time. Mention the male mid-life stage and youā€™re more likely to get funny comments about mid-life crises, leaving your family, Harley Davidsons and ponytails. So letā€™s correct a few myths. Many people donā€™t believe that the ā€˜male menopauseā€™ really exists, but itā€™s a fact of life that in their 40s, most men will have a drop in their testosterone and DHEA hormone levels. The result can be...

I Don't Want to Change My Face

  The other day, I was at my nephew's wedding, and ended up talking to a very nice lady who asked me what I did for a living.  I told her I was an aesthetic doctor  and a aesthetic clinic owner... Her attitude immediately changed. ā€œOh, you do Botox injections?ā€ She replied, shaking her head. ā€œIā€™m not into that. I donā€™t want to change my face.ā€ Itā€™s a concern I hear a lot, both from strangers and from patients who come in for skin treatments, but are wary of injectables. So in case you feel the same way, I want to share with you what I told this lady. The truth is, your face is changing the whole time. After the age of 18, you lose 1% of the collagen in your skin every year. Thatā€™s the key protein that keeps your skin firm and taut - so you can imagine what happens to your skin when youā€™ve lost 15% or 20% of it... Meanwhile, once you hit your 40s, the ligaments which support your skin start to loosen,  and the fad pads which keep your skin nice and plump start to shri...