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Facial Cell Therapy with PRP

Facial rejuvenation by Platelet Rich plasma (PRP) addresses the soft tissues lost through aging or solar damage – and is directed at improvement of dermis, fat degenration, skin laxity, loss of skin tone and uneven skin texture. To be effective the activated and enriched plasma has to be injected into the skin and dermis by tiny and carefully directed needle jabs, much the same the way as other fillers and Botox® are delivered.

The blood that is drawn is then spinned(centrifuged) for a few minutes to separate the Plasma and the Red Blood cells which is discarded.

The skin is first numbed with a topical anaesthetic cream and injection of local anaesthetic agent. This is done by a qualified doctor.
The PRP is then delivered to the anaesthetized skin by direct injection with a small needle. All make-up should have been removed prior to this procedure.The needle pricks in the skin are needed to kick-start the healing process of the PRP and proliferation of fibroblasts that will produce collagen and elastin needed to rejuvenate your skin. The process is slow and takes about 3 months, although good results are perceptible as early as 3 weeks.
The rejuvenated fibroblasts last for a while and then succumb again to the inevitable chronological aging process and become tired. The complexion of the skin deteriorates and the lines and wrinkles will then reappear. So further injections will be needed, but the time period differs from client to client. Six monthly resurfacing is the experience that En-hanze finds works.

Other uses with the platelet rich plasma is for hair Loss Therapy and healing of injured joints.
This was made more popular after it was reported that Tiger Woods had PRP treatment for his injured knee to allow him to heal faster and continue his tournament.
PRP Rejuvenation in Malaysia
PRP in Malaysia
PRP Cell Therapy at En-hanze Clinic


Anonymous said…
Please advise the cost of this treatment and how many times it needs to be done?
Dr.Sutina said…
The cost of treatment will depend on the no of tubes used and the "brand" you reuire as well as if you'd like it to be combined with any other treatments,usually laser fractionalCO2 or Pixel Peel. Depending on how damaged your skin is or how much repait you desire, the no of sessions can be as little as 1 to see enough improvement, or upto 3 treatments 2weeks to 3months apart. All depend on your baseline skin condition which I will evaluate clinically first.
Dr.Sutina said…
PRP can also be used for thinning hair or hair loss by replenising the hair follicles with growth factors, hair proteins, cytokines and even some tem cells. Treatment is conducted weekly and results can be seen by 2months.
siti said…
how much is the average cost of PRP?is it expensive?
Anonymous said…
usually how much cost prp treatment for hair loss? tq
Anonymous said…
Hye Doctor Sutina,
i face redness due to my resurfacing laser. i did last 12/8/2011 but the redness is still exist and my skin become so sensitive to sun even to my previous acne topical gel or cream. i cant use them since it will make my skin red and irritated. my dermatologist didnt suggest me to use any moisturiser and sunblock since he said my skin is prone to acne. but i try to use sunscreen lately (since 31/12/2011) and the redness a bit subside and i stop use all acne medication gel or cream at the same time. do u think prp may help in this case? if yes, how effective it will help due t thinning effect by topical acne treatment and roaacutane? and due u think prp is effective and SAFE to treat injured area due laser treatment failure (since he used high energy laser!).. Looking forward to ur respond..
Unknown said…
hi.i had afiller injection 6 years ago.2 years ago dr ejected it but i can feel small spot of filler in my face.after eject my face became full of lines n smile can u help me with PRP?thnx alot
Unknown said…
hi.i had a filler injection 6 years ago n then ejected it 2 years ago.but i can feel small spot of filler in some parts of my face.many lines in my face n smile lines 2 .can u help me withPRP?how many sessions ?how much?thnx alot
Dr.Sutina said…
The small spot of filler left fr 2years ago cannot be removed by PRP but the fine lines and skin texture can be improved with PRP. I usually recommend minimum of 3 sessions and a maintenance of 6monthly. For charges, you need to call En-hanze Clinic at 0379601788.
Dr.Sutina said…
PRP skin rejuvenation would the perfect solution to your sensitized and thinned out skin as it tackles the skin structure and replenishes the skin with new cells. In fact in our clinic we combine the PRP treatment with our resurfacing lasers to get better outcome, less complications, faster healing and beautiful skin! I suggest you definitely go try the PRP treatments. Call my clinic at 0379601788 if you need an appointment.
Anonymous said…
Hi... What is the diff btw PRP and firming laser?
Dr.Sutina said…
PRP and LAser are 2 diffrent things. PRP is Platelet Rich Plasma which is plasma blood taken from the patient, centrifuged in a special tube and reapplied onto the areas desired by the same patient for improvement of the area and regrowth of new cells. Firming laser is a laser technology that combines light treatment with radiofrequency treatment as in the Smart Dot2 laser. The Radiofrequency allows more heat into the skin to stimulate more cell regeneration. Combined these 2 treatments can give great results - Laser to resurface , Radio frequency to regenerate, and PRP to supply growth factors for healthy strong new cells.
Anonymous said…
can acne scar be completely removed?
Anonymous said…
can acne scar be completed removed?
Karam said…
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is a good technique for growing new tissues, whether for skin or hair. It is the best technique. Thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
Facial cell therapy was a great help to me. After undergoing this treatment, it was a total make over. Now, I am so satisfied with my beauty. I am happily married with two kids. I run our family-owned business. Indeed, being beautiful make you richer because it makes you more confident and more sociable. Thanks for sharing this information.
Dr.Sutina said…
Yes we do treat thinning hair and hair loss with PRP. In fact the results are amazingly good. A program 4 to 8 sessions is required , one month apart. At our Hair Centre we combine the PRP treatment with low level hair laser. Please call me at 1300-88-1788 for any appointment.

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