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The Ultimate Painless Workout

The IOn Magnum really is effortless athletics. We all have hard-to-get areas requiring special attention or just seem impossible to firm up.
But not anymore! On this revolutionary workout machine of the future. everyone is a candidate - those looking for a path toward healthy living, brides hoping to shed unwanted pounds before their big day, highly skilled athletes trying to build more muscle.
It's safe and it's healthy; all while rejuvenating your red blood cells.

Now no other centre in Malaysia can offer Ion Magnum treatments from a machine that builds muscle, boosts stamina, and helps speed up your metabolism. WE decided to incorporate this advanced technology into our practice as it can do what other technology can't.

With Dr Xanya Weiss, the co-inventor of Ion Magnum

The Ion Magnum was engineered to treat sports injury and muscle atrophy, as well as promote lypolisis and muscle building. It rapidly and efficiently causes the erythrocyte (Red Blood Cells) separation. RBCs separation is important for efficient transport of hormones, antibodies, oxygen and nutrients to the cells and waste products to the kidneys. Ion Magnum does this by resonating the nerve signals of strenous exercise which is normally emitted by the brain. The signal then spreads throughout the Central Nervous System (CNS) to ultimately trigger hormonal secretion such as Growth Hormone (GH), Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine(T3)for lipolisis and Insulin Growth Factor (IGF-1) for muscle hypertrophy.

After 30yrs of research, Ion Magnum was finally electronicaly engineered by, Gerry Pollock, the co-inventor of the Pacemaker.

Ion Magnum clinically proven facts :
1. Melting inches away
2.Increasing muscle mass
3.Increasing bone density
4. Losing body fat
5.Losing Visceral fat
6. Burns upto 5000 calories
7.Reinforces the immune system
8.Increases agility
9.Steps up metabolism
11.Enhances well-being

Who can/should use the IOn Magnum ?
1.Profesional athletes, Personal trainers to enhance their performance
2.those who need reduction in visceral fat
3.those undergoing rehabilitation
4.Men and Women wanting body sculpting treatments
5.those with Muscle Atrophy and fibromusculat Pain
6.those with Stroke and/or Neurological disorders

Treatment is a simple velcro-like belt with copper plates placed around the target area (stomach, thighs, upperarms, or buttocks) as it sends currents to the motor neurons of your brain to stimulate an intense "workout".

Clients feel short, intense bursts of "massage"-like therapyas the ion Magnum alternate between fat-burning and muscle b uilding stages.
Ion Magnum Malaysia
Arasys Malaysia
Natural Weight Loss
Lazy Men's gym
Efforless Excercise


Dr.Sutina said…
We've completed several programs by now and I must say the results vary from person to person. There definitely seem to be a reduction in the fat % with an increase in muscle mass. Also the Basal Metabolic rates (BMR) of all the patients who underwent at least 10sessions of the Ion magnum went up at least 10%! Now this is something considering it these changes occured in 6weeks and wihtout any lifestyle changes ie especially physical activities.
As for the Arassys, the inch loss varies from 2cm only upto 7cm! Something interesting I found was the women with "straight" waist line can finally have their waists "shaped" to achieve that hourglass figure. The Arasys and Ion Magnum at our clinic are so popular , the machines are fully booked almost all the time. Maybe need to get another.....
Anonymous said…
Hi Dr Sunita,
Which one is the best in terms of shaping,lost weight and non-surgery: ion magnum or smartlipo?
Dr.Sutina said…
Smartlipo uses a laser to melt the localised fat and drain it out. It is not for weight loss but more for shaping and sculptering of the body. Ion Magnum is used to tone and firm the muscles while reducing inches and firming skin. AS upto 5000calories is burnt during a 1 hour session, some weight loss may be experienced. The localised fat where the muscles contraction occurs will also be reduced in inches.

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