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Tighten skin of neck, décolletage, upper arms, knees and inner thighs

Ulthera Inc recently launched their new guidelines for the tightening of  skin on other parts of the body like décolleté , arms, knees and thighs, thus offering patients a non'- surgical solution for body skin laxity. Ultherapy received FDA approval in 2009 as the latest device that uses ultrasound to non-invasively lift and tighten tissue. Unlike traditional laser and radio frequency devices that heat tissue through the skin's surface,Ultherapy delivers micro-focused ultrasound energy below the skin surface. This targets the foundational layers of the skin, precisely heating tissue to the optimal temperature forneocollagenesis. (~60C), without affecting intervening tissue. Ultherapy is also unique because it can be used to non- invasively target sebaceous and sweat glands enabling me to treat hyperhidrosis or sweaty armpits. Because Ultherapy allows visualization of the targeted tissue, the energy is delivered precisely to that location. By adjusting treatment depth I can deliver energy  superficialy to treat crepey skin on the upper arms, knees and umbilical region or I can go deeper to target deep dermal tissue or even deeper then that to below the skin.


Anonymous said…
hi Dr sutina,
would u recommend thermage or ultratherapy for flabby under/inner arms/abdomen as a result of post pregnancy. i hve stretchmarks as well and was adviced by an aesthetic dr in another centre to undergo laser for it, but to my horror, i developed post laser hyperpigmentation and its been there for months...what would u recommend for d hyperpigmentation?
Dr.Sutina said…
Either thermage or Ultherapy can be conducted for skin tightening on the face or off face ie upper arms, tummy, inner thighs, knees. Which choice will depend on you, your budget, and the condition of the area ie fatty, creppy, straiee, etc. Laser treatment for straie or stretch marks can cause hyperpigmentation , unfortunately and therefore a combined treatment regimne is recommended. We also use the ETwo equipment which combines RF and light and has been recently approved by FDA for stretch mark treatment.

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