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What is Cytokines?

The term "cytokine" is derived from a combination of two Greek words - "cyto" meaning cell and "kinos" meaning movement. Cytokines are cell signalling molecules that aid cell to cell communication in immune responses and stimulate the movement of cells towards sites of inflammation, infection and trauma.

Cytokines. Image Credit: Designua / Shutterstock
They are released mainly to stimulate an immune response when the cells detect any  foreign substances in the blood.
Cytokines essentially consists of proteins, peptides, and glycoproteins. They are primarily released by immune system cells in order to initiate cell-to-cell interaction in order to generate an immune response.  For instance when white cells come into contact with pathogens(bacteria, viruses) they immediately release cytokines, which in turn communicate and activate other white blood cells to attavk the foreign invader.

This is the natural way our immune response of alerting and recruiting more numbers of White Blood Cells (WBC) to combat the infection ie via these chemical messengers (cytokines).
In fact, cytokines are crucial in regulating the function of the immune system. Cytokines work in a similar manner in response to an injury or wound. In such circumstances, cytokines signal to increase the population of WBCs at the injured site to speed up healing.

Cytokines are also mediators of inflammatory response that occurs after a living tissue is damamged. Inflammationcasuyed by cytokines is a defence mechanism, which helps to keep the injury localized.

When cytokines are released from a cell, they attach to the receptors located on the outer cell membrane of target cells. This binding action triggers a chemical signal that is sent to the receptor cell, inducing it to perform a given activity. For instance, when a cell comes in contact with bacteria, it signals other cells of imminent infection so that immune system can work to combat the infection.

In our practice we give Cytokines for skin Rejuvenation especially for aging skin as well as intravenously to boost the immune system. It can be taken regularly or as a one of.
Watch this video to understand better.


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