Am now on normal eating. Although the apetite to consume large ammounts of food is gone, there is an almost costant hunger I feel throughout the day. A little bite here and there is enough to make me feel satieted. My 16yr old lost 12.2kg (equiv to 26lbs) in his 3 week course. It was amazing watching his weight practically drop 1kg per day. He needs a new wardrobe now , but best of all he feels good about himself, looks incredibly fit and is able to wear all his form 2 clothes! His BMI is still at 25 (ideal for adults) so we are planning to have a 2nd course done at the end of this week after 6 weeks of rest. I am hoping we can achieve more weight(fat) loss to achieve his BMI of 22 or 23 (ideal). Another observation I noted is that his body shape has changed from a chubby teenager to a lean young man, almost as if he's been going for workouts at the gym!
Finally found a quick fix to a long term problem! This method not only can reduce the excess weight fast and permanently, it does this by burning the reserved stubborn fat in the body and not the structural fat which easily returns with a vengeance once a program is over. In summary, this "Enhanced" Weight Loss Program aims to : 1. Loose excess weight esp from stubborn fats 2. Increase and Reset Basal Metabolic Rate to a higher level and by doing the #1 and #2, able to 3. Maintain the weight loss forever! ( don't we all wish for this?) . With all this in mind, I decided to embark on this program myself. It is Day 8 today. This protocol should reduce my weight from 0.5 to 1.0lb per day. I only need to follow a special diet plan and take the medication daily. Total loss expected if all progresses accordingly will be 6 to 9kg (or upto 15lbs). I started with 64.8kg on Day1, went up to 64.9kg on Day2 and have progressively lost between 0.3 to 0.7kg daily since. Today I am at 6
am glad i found your blog, I am african living in malaysia, i currently weigh 73kg and am 5'8 tall, although this is not bad, but will love to be between 60 to 65 weight range, where can I get the HCG diet in Malaysia? will appreciate if you can recommend. just in case i cant find your blog again, will you please email me the info to . Thanks
Im very much interested in the HCG programme since my sister is currently undergoing it. However, I have one there any other alternative for administrating the HCG aside from injections ? oral perhaps ?