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Have you seen this photo yet? 

(The pictures are from Dr Judy Todd’s Instagram account:

It’s making the rounds online… .

…And it features a lady who lifted saggy skin on her face and neck, using radiofrequency energy.

How would you feel, if the lines on your face smoothed out and your lax skin tightened, the way Judy’s have?

Here's what she said : 
“My kids, Jamie and Andy, started to call me turkey neck a few years ago in a loving and jokey way,” Judy, 61, told the newspapers.

“I didn’t tell them anything about the treatments I was having, but they noticed the difference and recently they said, ‘Mom, what have you been doing to your face?’

“I said, ‘what do you mean?’ To which they replied: ‘It looks much smoother’.

“That was absolute gold dust! I mean if they’ve noticed and mentioned it, then it clearly has made a huge difference, and that made me very happy…

“I’d say it's taken at least 10 years off my appearance… My skin is fresher, clearer, and I feel much better about myself.”  - Judy Murray 

I love stories like that, don’t you?

But you might be wondering why these pictures caught the attention of the press…

…And in fact, why I’ve started getting patients emailing me these pictures, and wanting to know more about Judy’s treatment!

If you’re a tennis buff, you’ll recognise her immediately…

“Judy” is Judy Murray, mother of former world #1 Sir Andy Murray - and a well-known tennis coach in her own right .

The lines on her skin developed because she spent so much time in the sun, watching her sons play tennis. And she was eager to improve her skin because she has such a high public profile.

If you, too, are concerned about lax skin around your face or neck, and by wrinkled or lined skin…

….You deserve to be as happy as Judy Murray is now.

She got these results with Morpheus8, which uses a combination of microneedling and radiofrequency to penetrate deep into your skin and stimulate the production of collagen.

We use a similar device called Intracel , which uses small microneedles to penetrate the skin surface from 1-2.5mm deep while transmitting unipolar radiofrequency to farther stimulate the collagen.

This is the key protein which keeps your skin firm and taut, and when you have more of it, your skin lifts and thickens, and wrinkles smooth out too.

It’s a very natural process - you’re not injecting or inserting anything artificial into your skin, but simply kick-starting your body’s natural mechanisms.

More about Intracel device .

INTRAcel is a quick, non-surgical treatment used to improve skin tone, complexion, and texture that is safe for all skin types. It works by precisely targeting problem areas through a combination of micro-needling and radio frequency technology to tighten the skin and to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, pores, scarring and stretch marks.

The treatment is also particularly easy. It’s non-invasive - there are no needles (except the microneedle tip) or surgery involved -  it's a revolutionary treatment . This is how it works.

Areas for treatment with IntraCel

  • Face
  • Wrinkles
  • Pores
  • Acne scar
  • Scars
  • Acne
  • Skin Rejuvenation, Tightening, Glow
  • Body
  • Stretch marks
  • Hyperhidrosis



Simply come into the clinic for between 3-5 sessions, and begin to feel happier and more confident as your skin visibly lifts and tightens

To discuss how IntraCel can work for you - hit comment button or email me at drsutina@enhanzeclinic or call us on 1300-88-1788 or WA 0123453779 to book your consultation.



Or email me at



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