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The Danger of Hormone Imbalance (Part 1 Hormone Series)


“I just have no energy. Sometimes I actually have to take a nap in the afternoon,” 

This is a common complaint among patients in their mid 40s, when they should be in the prime of their life.

Having children who are practically out of the house, finally having time to socialize and nurture their own interests. Most mid 40year olds are working less hours which can give both job satisfaction and regular time to spend at the gym or doing other exrcises.

Yet, many feel consistently  “under-the-weather”.

Not only is the energy low, they are particularly vulnerable to flu, and suffered from low libido.

Some are at their treadmill almost every day, but it does not seem to make a difference like before. The weight seem to pile on despite the exercises and not eating much.

Sometimes there's a feeling of sadness or "downness". It is not depression. Sometimes the feeling of agittion and irritation wihtout reason. The feeling is not your imaginatin either.

This is an extremely common, yet often undiagnosed problem...

A hormonal imbalance.

Hormones regulate every function of our body, and when they are well balanced, we feel healthy, energetic and more in control of our lives.

As we get older, there is a naturally occurring decline in hormones such as oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

This can result in symptoms as varied as dry and wrinkled skin, memory loss, erectile dysfunction in men, low libido and vaginal dryness in women, fatigue, anxiety, mood swings, sleeplessness, weight gain, high cholesterol and more.

These can be truly devastating to your health and your lifestyle.

Unfortunately, hormones are rarely considered as a cause, except in the context of menopause, diabetes and thyroid issues – although imbalances can be addressed. There is also rarely any preventative action taken to ensure that your hormones stay balanced even before problems occur, although this is really important to maintain good health.

When should you consider looking into your hormone balance?

First, if you are experiencing any of the symptoms outlined above, and there seems to be no convincing explanation why. 

Second, if you want to prevent problems from developing and keep your body fine-tuned as you age, just as you exercise to keep fit or perhaps get vitamin infusions to restore vital minerals.

A comprehensive hormone profiling test which include a blood and saliva test can be done to
 provide a full picture of a person's hormone levels.

Once the results are out, a diagnosis can be made and any problems be addressed.

The aim is to treat any imbalances that is uncovered and get one feeling fit and well again. 

Hormone imbalances can be very serious.

I'll tell you more in my next blog.


Dr Sutina Nordin MBBS

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