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Should you Worry About your Hormones? (Part 2 Hormone Series)

What do you do to keep your body in optimum shape?

Do you work out? Try to eat well? Get an occasional treatment to keep your skin glowing, or your body looking the best it can?

If you are on this list, chances are that you try your hardest to stay healthy and fit….

….Except in one area, which is all too often overlooked.

    Our hormones.

In popular culture, people like to use it like it's a joke -

“Stop being so hormonal…”

“My hormones have gone haywire….”

Hormones are trotted out as an excuse every time someone is a little moody and have come to be seen as something negative.

But there is an unfortunate truth about hormones.

As we grow older, large parts of the population – both women and men – suffer from hormone imbalances which can wreak havoc with our sleep patterns, libido, weight, memory, skin, strength, energy and yes, moods as well.

The tricky part is that a hormone imbalance tends to develop slowly, without us even realizing. You may have the beginnings of an imbalance without seeing symptoms yet.

And often doctors fail to locate hormones as the cause.

Yet even one of those symptoms can make day-to-day life very difficult, leaving you feeling exhausted, depressed, and uncomfortable in your own body. They can damage your relationships and affect your confidence.

Worst of all, when you don’t know what’s wrong with you, it can be incredibly isolating and frustrating.

So what do you do?

First of all, it’s vital that you keep track of how balanced your hormones are – even if you are not showing any symptoms. Just as in any other area, pre-emption here is key to maintaining your good health over the long-term.

You can use bood, saliva or urine to measure specific hormone levels. This can give us a complete and very accurate map of your hormones.

Secondly, when you do discover that your hormones are out of whack, treat them.

The best is to use bio-identical hormones. The clue’s in the name: These are identical to the hormones your body makes, but are extracted from plants, usually yams and soya, in a laboratory.

They are taken either as a cream or as a troche placed under the tongue; a few can be taken by mouth.

For some, this will prevent some of the most difficult physical, mental and emotional symptoms of ageing from emerging. For others, it will restore a quality of life they may not have experienced for several years...

·        Giving you back your energy so that you can keep up with your children and younger colleagues


·        Improving your memory, so that you can concentrate better

·        Boosting your libido so that you can get your sex life back

·        Plumping out your skin so that you look younger


·        And minimizing the effects of the menopause, including hot flushes, anxiety and depression – symptoms which can affect ageing men as well.

Hormones are a serious business. Let’s get them in check.


FB ; DrSutina Nordin

IG : sutinanordin 



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