It was recently reported that Tiger Woods used PRP treatment to help heal and mend his injured knee joint. Also the recent Asian Film Awards in Hong Kong revealed many major celebrities to be having the PRP Facial Rejuvenation treatments and this trend is now catching on in Malaysia. For young people, it is great for maintenance of good skin & prevention of bad skin, for older women it is great for treating any damaged skin and repair of cells. It can be done 2 weekly, monthly, 3monthly, 6month or even yearly only ! But remember, the difference in results depend on the kit used to generate the PRP and the technique carried out. ASk for only Regen Kit or MY Cells PRP kits.
Finally found a quick fix to a long term problem! This method not only can reduce the excess weight fast and permanently, it does this by burning the reserved stubborn fat in the body and not the structural fat which easily returns with a vengeance once a program is over. In summary, this "Enhanced" Weight Loss Program aims to : 1. Loose excess weight esp from stubborn fats 2. Increase and Reset Basal Metabolic Rate to a higher level and by doing the #1 and #2, able to 3. Maintain the weight loss forever! ( don't we all wish for this?) . With all this in mind, I decided to embark on this program myself. It is Day 8 today. This protocol should reduce my weight from 0.5 to 1.0lb per day. I only need to follow a special diet plan and take the medication daily. Total loss expected if all progresses accordingly will be 6 to 9kg (or upto 15lbs). I started with 64.8kg on Day1, went up to 64.9kg on Day2 and have progressively lost between 0.3 to 0.7kg daily since. Today I am at 6
on the internet. I am going to highly recommend this web site!