What is ADSC? Short for Adipocyte Derived Stem Cells , simply put stem cells from body fat, it is now possible to get stem cells just by extracting your body fat through a simple procedure called Lipo aspiration or even after liposuction. The technique has been available for several years now but due to it's technical difficulties in processing the fat to extract the stem cells, it's development in clinical practice was a little slow. In fact our centre had at one point the manual mini lab to conduct this processing called the multi station but then the process was so tedious and lengthy ( min 8hrs to complete), plus there was not much interest in stem cell then, we gave it up. I then went to Korea to learn about the processing using a fully automated machine called the Unistation which was able to process and get all the stem cells ready in 2hours. The clinic we went to conducts all its lipotransfer with cell enriched fat. A demonstration on facial lipo filling with s...
Where Medicine, Health and Beauty Meets - My observations and journey of discovery on Medical Aesthetic procedures since 2001. Finding non surgical solutions to external appearance and internal wellness concerns is my mission. Contact me at drsutina@gmail.com or WA 012-3282840