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Showing posts from 2012

Korean Fine Thread LIft for Face, Breasts and Buttocks

The Korean Thread Lift is the current "hot" treatment for skin tightening and lifting as well as V-shaping the face. These threads are made of PDO material which is similar to the threads used in surgical stitches. When inserted into the skin, it acts as a "scaffold"  for the skin which helps to "hold" the skin against the effects of gravity. These "mesh" of  threads can also shape the face by lifting and supporting sagging structures. The threads are absorbable and therefore will be resorbed in 4-6 months time leaving nothing behind but the skin structure created which continues to hold for another 15-24months.  Many different versions and type of threads are available but my favorite is one that contains  medicinal properties and are inserted using Acupuncture points. Also known as the Ultra V-Lift, Dr Kum from Korea was flown in to conduct a practical training session with our clinic Drs recently. We did 2 cases, a full face skin lifting and...

Restylane - the first Fillers

Restylane was first introduced on the market in 1996. I started practicing aesthetic medicine  in 1998. I remember it being the only filler available in the market at that time. It was introduced as a groundbreaking filler, the first of its kind. Fillers in general have come a long way since. There are hundreds of brands in the market now but what I have observed is the staying power of Restylane and how it continued to grow - in product range, as well as in technique range. As more and more new products are developed, I also learnt more and more new techniques to treat and help my patients attain their desired enhancement. The Restylane range of products : Restylane fillers, Restylane skinboosters and Restylane skincare, has enabled people to take care of their skin from the inside and out - instantly, effectively and long-term. The Restylane secret is called NASHA which makes the Restylane products' unique qualities and are all based ...

The SIlhouette Soft Suture Face Lift

Recently I attended a training session with Dr Robertto from Spain  where he patiently taught me the techniques for a Soft Lift using the new Silhoutte Soft Suture threads. It was very interesting and exciting and the results were good. Silhouette Soft Sutures are absorbable threads that have been used for awhile to create a non-invasive "no"cut face lift. With the Silhoutte Soft Lift Sutures, the threads with cones can be inserted under just simple local anesthesia below the skin to cause a mid cheek lift or to lift the cheek  pads that has "dropped". The procedure is a 30 min in clinic procedure that is almost painless and requires no general anesthesia. Areas can be treated with this technique are lifting of brows, lifting of mid face area, lifting of cheek fat pad that has dropped, lifting of the lower cheek (jowls) along the jawline and creating a better jawline and definition of the face. Once done, patients can walk out of the clinic with bare...

Biocompatible Hair Implants

While I was in Milan for another training course, I met an Egyptian Dr who practices in Kuwait and over lunch she intorduced me to something pretty new. She said it was very popular in her clinic practice especially among the women. So I went again  to Italy in May 2012 to learn about the Biofibre Hair Implant system - an artificial hair product that is biocompatible and aesthetically identical to natural hair. This artificial hair fibre is inserted into the scalp skin under local anesthesia in the color or length that you desire and can last up to 5 years. With this system , I can now give my patients a full head of hair in a very short time; in 2 hours the bald patches and thinning areas of the scalp can be converted into a full head of hair. I also met Isabella, the creator herself, who conducted the training sessions personally and took me to several local Italian Drs clincis to learn, observe and acquire the skill required to conduct this proce...

Secret to FEELING GREAT & Losing Weight

When your hormones are balanced, your body plays the music of life well. When your hormones are there, playing in tune, you will feel amazing. But if your hormones aren't working together, then your body cannot function well. The body contains more then 100 hormones. Hormones regulate the heartbeat, blood pressure, energy, weight and so on. HOrmones help us to sleep at night and wakes us up in the mornings. Hormones are therefore crucial for our survival. Our modern diet screwed up all the hormones that play a role in weight and health. Out off all the hormones in our body , there are 10 most important hormones. Hormone #1 : Thyroid Hormone - functions for energy and metabolism. An under active thyroid slows down metabolism which can make you gain weight even if you don't eat much. Sufferers experience fatigue, high triglyceride level, dry skin and hair, hair loss, menstrual problems, memory disturbances and weight gain. Hormone #2 : INSULIN - a low fat diet but full ...

More hair for life

Did two cases of hair transplantation today. One man and one lady. both had frontal hairline recession, so both had hair transplanted from the back of the head (donor) to the frontal hairline area (recipient). The first patient took us 5 hours to complete and the second took us 4 hrs. Using the Punch Matic SAFER technique I punch out individual follicles called FUE and implant them into the recipient area. A tedious process but it felt very satisfying after all was completed. Imagine , now people can have more hair in areas where there are less or little and even where ere are NO hair! Patches of baldness due to trauma or scarring can be transformed into hair growing areas. What's best is it is for life. Yes, the new transplanted hair is permanent and will continue to grow for the rest of your life! I hope to create more awareness of the availability of this procedure so more people can do it.

Burn 20% Belly Fat while watching TV

Watch TV for an hour and kill at least 20% of stubborn belly fat?   This may seem an impossible promise typical of aggressive sales or marketing people, but Harvard Researchers have proven it to be true.   CoolSculpting®, the innovative procedure that safely and non invasively freezes away unwanted fat has won a loyal following.It now dominates the field for non invasive fat reduction at high end medical aesthetic practices in Asia and globally.     During this procedure, belly or flank fat is drawn between two panels and cooled, triggering fat cell death, also called “apoptosis”.   In the days and weeks following the procedure, fat cells are broken down by the body and processed like dietary fat.   Over 2-3 months the total count of fat cells and the thickness of treated area are reduced. Based on science developed by the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital,  this breakthrough is based on a vast body of re...

Heavy Metals in our Bodies

I recently attended a seminar on Heavy Metal Toxicity (HMT) organised by the Society of Advancement of Hormones and Healthy Aging Medicine Malaysia (SAHHAMM) and conducted by ACNEM with Dr Karel Hromek, a very experienced physician from Australia and a "guru" for Environmental and Nutritional Medicine. I had heard from patients about their remarkable treatment successes and  wanted to know more about how this amazing therapeutic arm works. Over the 2 day training session, I learnt more then I bargained for, got very excited about its whole potential and even sat for the certification exam at the end! So what is heavy metals and how does one get them?  Heavy Metals (HM) are Lead(Pb), Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium, Aluminium, Copper and Iron. Excess exposure to these metals causes its toxicity but the symptoms associated with the slow accumulation of these toxic metals are multiple and non-specific therefore effects may not appear until later in life. Chron...

From Belly Fat to Belly Flat

Lately I have been seeing quite a no of men above 40 and women above 30 complaining of unwanted weight around their waist and belly. Those extra pounds have crept up around the middle despite dieting, limiting carbs or doing crunches, is really due to a shift in hormone production. In fact, belly fat is commonly the outward sign of a specific type of hormone imbalance known as "EsTROGEN DOMINANCE". Do you realise how much bad estrogen there is in our environmnt? Better known as Xenoestrogens, these estrogens is now creating havoc in our whole hormonal systems that our forefathers never had to worry about! Pollution, stress with time, lack of sleep, processed foods, plastics, hormone injected meat, and too much coffee are just a few of the producers of toxins that causes estrogen dominance. As a result women are suffering more from PMS, bloatedness, breast cysts, uterine fibroids, water retention and excessive weight gains. Men are putting on weight in the waist line, have g...

Automated Hair Transplantation

Finally, something to write! After returning from Italy after the V2LR training, I became interested in a new technology for Hair Transplantation called the S.A.F.E.R. techniquee using the French made PUNCH Matic machine. Traditionally, hair transplantion is a very time consuming process taking around 6 to 8 hours of tedious and meticulous work. Because of this, many Drs and Surgeons prefer not to conduct this procedure in their practice. Also the old technique gave only 60-80% follicular survival rate and for someone who is losing his/her hair, losing more doner hair can be unacceptable. I began to like the idea of this new technique when I found out that I do not have to cut a few strips of scalp skin from the back of the head to donate the follicle unit(FU). With the SAFER technique I only vacuum individual hair follicle out without cutting the skin. This makes is very much less invasive and less complications. Survival of the follicular unit is also much higher. I also...

Vaginal Laser Rejuvenation & Reshaping in Italy

Was in Pavia, Italy last week(27th April 2012) attending the first Intrnational Vulvo Vagina Laser Rejuvenation (V2LR) training at the Centro Medicos Specialisto.The trainers were Prof Dr Zerbinatti(of course!) and Prof Dr Salvatore. It was interesting and exciting at the same time. Experience were shared and met doctors from other countries. Best was learning some new things. Now I can really make a difference to my female patients who have symptoms like vaginitis, vaginal dryness, lack of sessitivity, pain during intercourse, discomfort,reduced lubrication as well as loss of firmness. Vaginal tightening can now be achieved without surgery making it totally non-invasive and no downtime.

Legato - 1st to treat scars and stretch marks

The new Legato machine by Alma lasers arrived today. I only recently heard about it during the media launch of Coolsculpting by Zeltiq last month. Am quite curious to see how it works. As far as I know there are no effective technology to rid of scars and so far stretch marks treated by lasers reduced but still does not dissapear. So we tried on one of our staff with some scars that was left after his motorvehicle accident and I was quite surprised the scars became flattened and seemed to reduce by at least 30-40%! We are going to try out this system for a couple of weeks and see how it performs. I myself am going to ry the facial rejuvenation while I'm gonna try it on a patient with melasma.

Breast Lipofilling

Breasts augmentation can also be conducted through Lipofilling - a technique where fat is extracted from another part of the body ( tummy, thighs, etc) and then used to 'fill' the breasts. As fat is abundant and free (in most people,anyway) the breasts can be enlarged to whatever is the desired size! Even more exciting is stem cells can be derived from this extracted fat, mixed with the to-be transferred fat, and transplanted for augmented breasts that' s very natural looking, feels real and lasts very long (expected duration upto 7 years).

Micropeeling with Fractional CO2 with RF Laser

We upgraded our old SmartXiteDot fractional Co2 laser to the latest technology in fractional CO2 ie the SmartXite Dot 2 Fractional CO2 LAser. This new laser equipment does all that the Dot Laser can do but more. With its new Deka Pulse (DP) I am able to reduce the energy output onto the skin and therefore less trauma and risk of burns and hyperpigmentation but delivering better resutls then other fractional Co2 laser as it is run by a Radio Frequency (RF) system. So as the laser is delivered, RF heating is also done thus giving even more collagen regeneration. This the first of its kind in the world - combination of fractional CO2 laser with RF. With this I can treat those SUN SPOTS(Lentigenes) on the cheeks, SKIN TAGS, PIGMENT SPOTS, Wrinkles around eyes, around mouth, do brow lift for droopy brows due to aging, resurface the skin and refine it and take away those ACNE SCARs. When combined with PRP, Placentae filtrates or HA+Vitmain solutions, a major improvement can be seen with muc...

Fine Facial Veins

I did not realize that quite a no of us Asians have fine broken veins around our alae nasii (nose base). Since noticing this, I started to offer the Gentle Yag long pulse laser treatments for Facial Telangiectasia and especially spider veins around the nose base. In just 1session, 90% of the veins can be eliminated. It's almost like magic how it disappears with each 'zap' of the laser as this laser can treat veins as tiny as below 0.5mm. Nose veins spider nevi on face Facial veins Fine veins Telangectasia face Broken facial veins Laser vein removal Small veins on face Spider veins